Bargaining 2025

This year, SEIU Local 2 janitors in all our major markets are negotiating new city-wide agreements.

The Collective Bargaining Agreements in BC are set to expire at the end of May.  Member organizers and Steering Committee members started visiting worksites earlier in the year to collect bargaining surveys and to listen to proposals.

Submit your Survey Online

Upcoming Meetings & Trainings

On Saturday April 12 there will be a townhall meeting to discuss feedback from surveys, review the mandate for bargaining, and go over key dates and next steps in the process.

J4J Vancouver Townhall

Saturday, April 12, 2025

Harbour Centre / SFU
515 West Hastings St.
The Segal Conference Rooms 1400-1430

The Toronto Collective Bargaining Agreements are set to expire at the end of March. Cleaners in the Greater Toronto Area have been getting ready for negotiations. The J4J Toronto Action Committee has been to worksites speaking to members and collecting surveys. Union Members have provided tremendous input in proposals meetings and through bargaining surveys.

Negotiations with the employers begins on the week of March 17.

Survey submissions are now closed for Toronto bargaining.

Upcoming Meetings & Trainings

On Saturday March 15, we held a townhall meeting to discuss feedback from surveys, review the mandate for bargaining, and go over key dates and next steps in the process.

On Saturday March 29 we will update the membership on the status of negotiations. It’s possible we may be holding a ratification vote – and it’s possible we may need to provide our bargaining team with a strike mandate. Please attend!

J4J Toronto Townhall

Saturday, March
29, 2025
10 am

Hilton Toronto
145 Richmond St. W.
(Close to Osgoode Subway Sta.)

The Ottawa Collective Bargaining Agreement is set to expire at the end of June. On Saturday March 8 we held a General Membership Meeting, discussed our strategy for bargaining this summer, and held an election for the J4J Ottawa Council. 

Worksite visits to distribute bargaining surveys have begun. There will be an Action Committee training and steward training in April. If you are interested in either, please contact your Union rep. Getting booked off from work may be required. The Action Committee will continue with worksite visits this spring.

Submit your Survey Online

Upcoming Meetings & Trainings

We will gather in the spring (dates TBA) to discuss feedback from surveys, review the mandate for bargaining, and go over key dates and next steps in the process. 

J4J Ottawa Action Committee Training

Saturday, April 12, 2025
11 am to 2 pm

Jack Purcell Community Centre, 320 Jack Purcell Ln, Ottawa

J4J Steward Training

Thursday April 24 & Friday April 25, 2025
8 am to 2 pm or TBD. 

SEIU Ottawa Office, 303 Waverley Street, Ottawa 

Bee-Clean and GDI workers in the Halifax Regional Municipality ratified breakthrough agreements in January. The cleaners’ new contracts have significant gains, and were won thanks to a hard-fought campaign that saw the majority of workers make a public pledge to strike.

Worksite Poster

 Download a poster for your worksite bulletin board so everyone can visit this page and stay informed! Click on the image to print the PDF.

Need to contact your Union rep?